Dede Ni Kadek Valenzuela

Dede Ni Kadek Valenzuela

Sales & Leasing Associate

Dede has a  friendly personality that shines through in all settings, as she effortlessly fosters a welcoming atmosphere. Her positive office energy isn’t just a mood-lifter; it actively contributes to a vibrant and collaborative work environment. Her openness to ideas makes her a valuable team player.
Dede's attention to detail cultivated in being a  hairdresser for more than 5 years, as well as being experienced as a professional property manager translates into her current commitment to accuracy and achieving the best outcomes. Tenacity and grit, developed through years in a client-facing role, are evident in her dedication to delivering high-quality results.
Her generosity extends beyond the professional realm. This generosity, coupled with her positive outlook, creates a workplace where cooperation thrives. Furthermore, she respects boundaries ensuring that interactions are considerate and professional. Fairness is a cornerstone of her approach, maintaining equitable relationships with all parties involved. This comprehensive blend of attributes not only makes her an asset to any team but also fosters a work environment where people feel supported and valued